Tuesday, June 30, 2009


My kid's got 'em.

Gabriel With a Pearl Earring

On the Merry Go Round

In April (or thereabouts), Alison took Gabriel on the merry-go-round on the Mall. He was moderately amused, but the sound and lights were a bit much for him overall. Here, immediately post-ride, he takes stock of the experience. Taken on its own, his expression is sort of impassive. But by comparison to the expression of his mom, who clearly has lost none of her love for joyrides, it's clear that he's less than 100% on board with the whole experience.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Gabriel joined mom on a work trip to Denver in June. The jungle gyms are just as much fun out there, as this picture attests. Gabriel also visited the Denver Zoo with Aunt Nancy, but seemed less impressed.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hey Baby, Come On In!

Gabriel enjoys his new baby pool at the beach. While he wasn't too thrilled about being on the sand this visit--it was often pretty windy--he did have a great time at the house, and enjoyed his new jacuzzi too.

Gabriel Loves His Duck

It took about a year for Gabriel to start developing an attachment to stuffed animals, but now he's got two favorites. Here's one of them, his duck. A pre-birth gift from Carol Berkman-- his face lights up when he sees it, and he groks with the duck all the time.

Dribbling Cherry Juice

New clever eating trick: chew it up, then let it slowly dribble out of your mouth. Especially effective with brightly colored food like (in this case) cherries.
Gabriel's definitely enjoying the summer fruit season. He's a big fan of blueberries, cherries and watermelon. As can be seen in the picture, he doesn't allow his technicolor drool to take away his gravitas.

Sometimes There's No Caption

B/c I'm just looking for an excuse to post a picture of my son smiling. This is one of those times.

21st Century Gabriel

Following in the footsteps of his technophile cousin Max, Gabriel has discovered the joys of the remote control. While he hasn't yet learned the clever Max trick of stashing all the remote controls inside a VCR, it's clearly only a matter of time. The beach house is laden with orphan remote controls that don't control much of anything, so this was a good place for him to develop this attachment.
Beach guest roster, 6/09: Rachel Koop and Larry, Jim and Mary, Arthur Koop with kids Morgan and Lauren.

Books With Wheels

Possibly the greatest invention ever: books with wheels. While Gabriel isn't yet into cars, he's definitely into wheels, and things that spin more generally. Here he "reads" one of his new mobile books at the beach in North Carolina.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Rare Moment of Stillness

It's getting harder and harder to
get a decent picture of this kid-- always on the move. Here he sits still for the camera, if only for a moment.