Once named "house under contract," our home is now probably more aptly named "house under construction." Here's the view from the back - minus our bedroom. The room with the scaffolding (former kitchen) is now gone too.
Gabriel started crawling in earnest about a week shy of 9 months, and has been picking up speed ever since. Here he is demonstrating his moves in the park with Grandma Jan.
There's a wonderful new park in the neighborhood and, based on Gabriel's response to the swings, I suspect we'll be spending a lot of time there in the coming years. What a joy!
At his 9 month doctor visit, Gabriel weighed in at a sturdy 26.5 pounds. Hence, the new carrier (for toddlers!) on the back. Despite claims of ergonomic fit, I was still exhausted after 20 minutes of walking on the beach. But really, who could refuse such a face?