Saturday, August 23, 2008

All Snuggly

To spell mom while she got a pedicure, Auntie Wendy strapped Gabriel in the Moby wrap and took him for a nice, snuggly walk in the hood.

Our little leprechaun

Though there's no Irish in his veins (that we know of), Gabriel seems to have the little Leprechaun jig down pat.


Despite the frequency of meals (usually every 2-3 hours), Gabriel is sometimes a bit stunned by the whole forced-burp thing.  

Miles of smiles

Smiles started happening at about 2 months. Now, you can expect a torrent of them in the morning, and a decent supply later on. He seems like a pretty happy kid. 

The Polish Prince

Shows off his aquiline profile...

Forcing a Smile

No shortage of smiles from this kid. This one looks like one of those smiles where you're being told to smile for the camera but you really don't feel like it.

He Must Have Picked It Up From His Grandmother

Our boy thinks duck is pretty tasty. 

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Yuppie scum

I guess you just have to embrace it. 
Sunday morning, back from the farmer's market with a mocha and a kid in the Bjorn. It's a good, if easily mockable, life. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Gabriel and Mom on the Beach

An indescribably wonderful shot, although Gabriel doesn't seem to be in the spirit of things.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Max Bends the Rules (Again)

If his table tennis behavior is unconventional, his billiards technique is downright revolutionary. While at the beach, Max had ample time to test his theories about the just distribution of balls between the eight holes on the pool table. Oddly, the correct answer always seemed to be that they all belonged in the same hole. His unorthodox position on top of the pool table proved very effective in "winning" every match. 

Monday, August 11, 2008

Max Bends the Rules

Turns out ping pong would be more fun if we all just used a bigger racket. Max taught me a few lessons about the finer points of table tennis at the beach. He's a wonderful kid, albeit with little regard for the rules governing equipment modifications.

Gabriel Gets His Feet Wet

In the first of what will hopefully be many encounters with the Atlantic Ocean, Gabriel and the surf get along just fine. He wasn't especially interested in going for a swim, but didn't cry bloody murder either. 

A rare visit to the Outer Banks in high season (second week of August), and the water's wonderfully warm- 73-74 degrees.